
We offer services for pre-school children with an emerging or diagnosed disability

At Stepping Stones, children take part in activities both in a group, and working one-to-one with a project worker. Play workers are also on site to facilitate play and learning opportunities and to be with children between one-to-one sessions.

This facility is available to all families in Swansea who are referred by health professionals (since attendance is based on disability), and no other similar facility exists within the area.

Canolfan Blant Stepping Stones

Mae Canolfan Blant Stepping Stones yn darparu gwasanaethau ar gyfer plant cyn oed ysgol sydd ag anabledd wedi’i ddiagnosio neu anabledd sy’n dechrau dod i’r amlwg.

Yn Stepping Stones, bydd plant yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau mewn grŵp ac ar sail un-i-un gyda gweithiwr prosiect. Bydd gweithwyr chwarae ar y safle hefyd i hwyluso cyfleoedd dysgu a chwarae, ac i fod gyda’r plant rhwng y sesiynau un-i-un.

Mae’r gwasanaeth ar gael i bob teulu yn Abertawe sy'n cael ei gyfeirio gan weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol (gan fod presenoldeb yn seiliedig ar anabledd). Nid oes gwasanaeth tebyg arall ar gael yn yr ardal.