Transferring FAQs
You have the right to change the fostering service you are with, whenever and for whatever reason you want to.
Transfer to usBelow are our most frequently asked questions regarding transferring:
The process and timescales
What’s involved in the transfer process?
The process might be slightly different depending on which local authority or agency you are currently with. The process involves you agreeing to share your information with us and we can then get in touch with your current agency. It’s fairly straightforward and Action for Children Fostering will be with you every step of the way.
How do I transfer to Action for Children Fostering?
Simply get in touch. It’s much quicker the second time around.
We’ll talk you through the process and find out all about you and the skills you have as well as any training needs. We will guide you every step of the way.
Do I need to go through the whole fostering assessment process again if I transfer to Action for Children Fostering?
NO. There will be some information previously collected in your original Form F and annual fostering records that will help to speed up the process and we can gain further information from your agency. We will also look at how much training you have had and if you need any additional training or support that we can give you.
We follow the transfer protocols set out by The Fostering Network.
If you are transferring with a foster child we will assess the child’s needs and look at their care plan.
How long will it take to transfer from one fostering service to another?
We appreciate that you will already have gone through the assessment process and we will fast track your application wherever possible.
Being able to go through your original Form F will save time but you may still need to have updated checks.
We aim to get you to the panel stage within 4 months.
If you are fostering with a child we will assess their needs and look at their care plan.

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Why transfer to us?
Why should I transfer to Action for Children Fostering?
We believe what sets us apart most from other agencies is the way we work together with our carers, young people and other professionals.
We promote positive working relationships and good connections between everyone.
Relationships are built on clear, honest and respectful communication which our carers tell us is often the key to success.
Will I be offered training if I transfer to Action for Children Fostering?
YES. Action for Children Fostering is very proud of the extensive training we offer our foster carers. We will assess what training you have done and what additional training we can give you and will create an annual training plan for you.
Some training sessions are mandatory and others are voluntary. You will have access to all the sessions we offer.
What support will I be given if I transfer to Action for Children Fostering?
We believe the support we give to our foster carers is second to none.
Once you are an approved foster carer with Action for Children Fostering you will be allocated to a local fostering team. You will have a dedicated social worker and round the clock support from the fostering team. We have a wealth of experience, training and understanding behind us to be able to provide you with the best possible solution and support for whatever you need. We also offer a buddy system if you feel this would be useful for you.

We have teams across the UK so you will be able to speak, confidentially, to a fostering professional local to you.
About you
Do I need previous fostering experience to transfer to Action for Children fostering?
NO. If you have been through the fostering process and approved by another fostering service but never had a foster child, you can still transfer to Action for Children Fostering. We’ll make sure that you get all the support and training you need to have the best possible experience the first time you foster.
Can I transfer to an independent fostering agency (IFA) if I am currently with a local authority fostering service?
YES. We work closely with local authorities and always aim to get the best possible match between foster carers and the children who need a home.
The demand for foster homes has increased to the point where local authorities often cannot meet the demand on their own.
Cared for children still come into the system through local authorities and they still provide their own fostering services.
However, LAs can also commission IFAs to care for their children.
While foster care is part of a local authority’s overall duties, for an independent fostering agency, it is their main focus - providing the best possible care for looked after children.
Action for Children Fostering has a support and training programme that we’re very proud of.
If you're thinking of transferring we will guide and help you throughout the transfer process.
Do I need to let my current fostering service know that I want to leave?
YES. You can make initial enquiries without notifying your current agency.
However, if you decide you want to transfer to us you will need to notify them before we start the assessment process.
Once that’s done we can take it from there.
You will also need to formally send them a resignation letter, prior to submitting your application.
Can I switch from one independent fostering agency to another?
YES. It’s up to you who you choose to foster through. It’s quite straightforward, we’ll guide and support you throughout the transfer process.
Can I transfer if I am currently looking after a foster child with a local authority?
YES. Usually (but not always) your foster child will come with you. There’s a process to go through and you have to give written notice. The child’s best interests will always be the main concern and we can be with you every step of the way.
Can I transfer if I am currently looking after a foster child with another agency?
YES. There will be a transfer meeting with you and all of the key individuals responsible for the child or young person to make sure the child/young person is always at the centre of any decisions made. We’ll be there too, to help you through the process.

Find out more about transferring to Action for Children Fostering.
General FAQs
What is the difference between Independent Fostering Agencies?
All agencies are regulated and required to meet the minimum standards set out by legislation Fostering services: national minimum standards - GOV.UK (
All agencies are assessed by Ofsted and this is a good place to go to make comparisons. Action for Children Fostering has received Good accreditation by Ofsted in all of our services.
You will be able to see the size of the agency and if it's a charity.
You may not be aware that different agencies offer different fee and allowance structures and benefits. Action for Children Fostering offers a competitive fee and meets recommended Department of Education (DfE) guidelines for the young persons' allowances.
Different agencies may also vary in terms of the support and training they offer.
Compare agencies within your local area and ask lots of questions before deciding who to transfer to.
Why do foster carers choose to transfer?
The reasons foster carers transfer are varied and personal. It may be as simple as a change of location. Often, carers will learn more about the fostering sector once they have entered into it and will realise that not all fostering services offer the same support and provisions.
Not all fostering services offer all types of foster care opportunities and you may feel that one type is more suitable for your particular circumstances.
Fees, allowances and benefits are also varied among fostering services and you may find a more competitive offer with an alternative agency.
Training and support is absolutely vital for foster carers in order for your fostering experience to be successful and enjoyable for both you and the young people you look after.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of transferring to Action for Children Fostering please do get in touch.

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Transfer to us
Transfer to us