Short term fostering
Action for Children Fostering will be with you all the way, supporting you emotionally, financially and with regular training.
Request your free guide to fostering todayShort term fostering could last for days, weeks or months and up to a maximum of two years. Not all fostering situations are the same.
Some young people may only need a foster home for a short, fixed period of time until they can return to their birth family.
It could be, for example, that their single birth parent, with no extended family able to help, needs to have a medical operation that would leave them unable to care for their child for some time. In this situation a short term foster carer would be needed.
Short term fostering involves working in a team with birth families, a dedicated social worker and the local authority. It is also likely to require input into decisions concerning the young person’s longer term care.
The need for a short term foster carer may happen at short notice or in an emergency situation. Short term foster carers need to be available to respond quickly in these cases.
Being able to provide stability and security for the young person in a short term arrangement is essential to minimise any adverse impact their immediate situation may have on them. Enabling them to continue to go to school and keep up their regular day to day routine is really important, as well as allowing them to see their friends and family wherever possible.
If you think you could be a short term foster carer, we will support you with all the training you need and will put you in touch with other foster carers with a view to forming relationships and gaining access to the “experts”. Some foster carers specialise in short term fostering only.
We recognise that, even in the short term, attachments can be made. It may be difficult for short term foster carers to have many young people come and go from their lives in a short space of time.
We celebrate the amazing work all of our foster carers do and we will be there for you if you need some additional emotional support.
Our extensive, tailored training programme will provide short term carers with the skills they need to help their young people settle in and feel cared for straight away.
Want to know more about fostering with us? Request your free guide to fostering today.