Imagine having to suddenly leave everything you know behind. Your belongings, your family, your home. Now imagine facing that as a child.
We know children in residential or foster care have often faced huge challenges in their young lives. Over half will have suffered neglect and abuse. Many will have experienced trauma. But we also know they want to go to school, play with friends and have fun, just like any other child.
The world might see children in care differently, but we don’t. Because we know they’re a child like any other, with a favourite TV show and a favourite food. A child that deserves to feel safe and loved, and to thrive as they grow up.

“It’s very powerful when you say to a child ‘it doesn't matter what you do, we’re going to stay here, we're going to love you and guide you through it all’. We are there to stand by these children. That’s what Action for Children does. We stand by every child and we work through those difficult times together.”
Caroline, Residential Manager, Action for Children
We provide safe and loving homes for children who need them, we support young people transitioning out of care, and we campaign to make the system better.
Our small, family-style children’s homes offer stability to children, and our supportive foster carers help children feel at home.
Thanks to amazing people like you, last year we directly supported approx. 12,000 children and young people in, or with experience of, the care system.

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"One of his absolute favourite things to do was sit with all the staff on a Saturday evening watching TV. He couldn’t believe we had a living room where we sat together, watched a movie and ate snacks. You should see the children’s eyes light up when they get to experience joy from things that we take for granted. It’s just wonderful.”
Caroline, Residential Manager, Action for Children
Your support could help children in care feel safe and loved.
Help us give them what every child needs.