
Donate to charity this Christmas

Many UK children will wake up on Christmas to no toys, food, or warmth. Your donation could change this

Put the magic into Christmas

Children across the UK need a Secret Santa like you

The magic of Christmas begins in childhood. Hanging stockings. Sharing festive food. Presents under the tree. It’s a time for children to make precious memories. For them to feel happiness and love – the kind of magic that lasts a lifetime.

But for vulnerable children across the UK, Christmas is anything but magical. No stockings. No presents. No festive food - maybe no food at all.

At Action for Children we see children who are struggling every day. Children without a bed sleeping on the floor. Families phoning us crying because they have no money for food.

But we also see the difference you can make with a charity donation this Christmas.

A charity donation this Christmas can help bring happiness, warmth, and safety to vulnerable children and families. That's the difference you can make by becoming a Secret Santa in 2023.

Last year, your generous support helped us be there for 765,905 children, young people and families in the UK, through 426 services. Children and families that were at breaking point with nowhere to turn.

Your generosity meant we could be there for them when they needed us most. Vulnerable children and families given hope and support, because of amazing people like you.

Your support could help stop a child from going hungry. With a charity donation this Christmas, you could help make sure a child has the essentials. You could help keep a child warm. And you could help put the magic back into Christmas.

“Christmas is terribly hard, I worry that Nathan won’t have any presents to open on Christmas morning. I was referred to Action for Children. They put together a hamper for Nathan with lots of goodies. Nathan was over the moon. His little face just lit up.”

Nathan's Grandmother.
Boy carrying Christmas present in front of Christmas tree

Vulnerable children in the UK desperately need a Secret Santa like you to make a charity donation this Christmas.

Childhood is short and precious. And this year, you could help a vulnerable child feel the magic of Christmas – a magic that will last them a lifetime.

Last year, generous supporters like you helped us reach 765,905 children, young people, and families in the UK.

Donate to charity this Christmas and be a Secret Santa for a vulnerable child.

Rather give a virtual gift that helps a vulnerable child?

Buy a charity Christmas gift