How you can help children and families this Christmas

Want to make a difference this Christmas? Find out how you can help vulnerable children and families in need.
Help a family in need this winter. Because for vulnerable children across the UK, Christmas is anything but magical. No stockings. No presents. No festive food - maybe no food at all. Their first memories of Christmas could be going to bed hungry, being too cold to sleep and losing all hope when Santa doesn’t come.
But you could help change that. Your gift could help a vulnerable child feel the magic of Christmas.
Donate and become a Secret Santa for a vulnerable child. You could help children and families in need this Christmas.
Many children will wake up on Christmas to no stockings. No presents. No festive food. Your gift could change this.

Your donation could give a child the joy of opening up a Christmas present where they’d otherwise miss out. For some children, this Christmas will be like any other day. They’ll wake up to no lights, no tree and no presents. You could help change this.

Your charity Christmas gift could pay for a trip to visit Father Christmas for a child who would otherwise miss out. They'll know Santa has remembered them - but they won't know that Santa is you.
We don’t always have the luxuries and those extra treats. There was one game in particular [my son] loved and wanted to play it for hours. To see him smiling and laughing, it was wonderful.
Emily* (real name anonymised), whose family received a Christmas present hamper from Action for Children

Not all families have toys for their children to play with. But toys and books are great tools to help a child learn and develop through play. Your donation could give a child hours of learning and fun at home.

As the cost of living soars, many families have to choose between heating their homes or putting food on the table. You could keep a family home warm by contributing to their gas bill.

Your donation could help give children essentials like warm winter clothes and bedding. No child should have to face the cold winter months without the right clothing.
I had nothing left in my bank account and fuel had run out, we were so cold at home and Action for Children provided us with a top up at a time when we needed it most.
Parent supported by Action for Children

Children across the UK are growing up without a bed of their own. A warm, comfortable place to sleep would give them a decent night’s sleep and so much more. You could help a child this Christmas with this donation.