
Last Minute Christmas Charity Ideas 2023: Festive Fundraising

Friday 22 December 2023
Office staff enjoying a Christmas party together, unwrapping gifts as part of secret Santa

Make a meaningful impact this holiday season with our quick, effective Christmas charity ideas for last-minute giving.

1. Set up a simple donation drive

Many individuals and organisations often want to contribute to Christmas charity ideas but may have limited time or resources. Setting up a simple donation drive is a fantastic way to help others fundraise and your collective contribution will make an even greater impact.

For a local community cause:

You can advertise on local Facebook groups or shop notice boards and ask for volunteers to help collect donations. There are many local causes that will be delighted to receive donations all over the festive period.

Pushed for time?

You can set up an online fundraiser for a charity using a donation site such as JustGiving. It's also worth approaching local businesses to see if any might be willing to match donations.

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A bunch of Christmas presents

2. Virtual fundraising

Mother and daughter sat in front of table with laptop and christmas decor on top

There are lots of great Christmas charity ideas for last-minute online fundraising. Why not set your friends and family a 12 Days of Christmas Challenge on social media? You could film yourself telling your best Christmas joke, make a small online donation and challenge 12 online friends to do the same. Or if you're feeling active you could challenge them to jog 12km (over one day or 12!).

Check our our Virtual fundraising page for lots more ideas.

3. Community activities

Young teenage girl and older lady sat having a conversation

Donating your time this Christmas instead of money is just as valuable.

Check with local community organisations to see if they need an extra pair of hands over Christmas. From street collections, volunteering in a soup kitchen or visiting an elderly person who may be on their own, there are many lovely Christmas charity ideas to make a difference this festive season.

4. Virtual charity Christmas gifts

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We all know someone who is hard to buy for. If they already have everything they need, then a virtual charity Christmas gift is a perfect idea.

You could be an Action for Children Secret Santa and help a vulnerable child feel the magic of Christmas this year.

Or, if you've left your Christmas shopping to the last minute, instead of panic buying online, why not suggest to your loved ones that you all do a charity Secret Santa instead!

Be a Secret Santa

Many children will wake up on Christmas to no stockings. No presents. No festive food. Your gift could change this.

Choose a gift

5. Spreading awareness

There are so many causes in need of support, spreading awareness about one close to your heart will mean so much to that charity. Every person you tell about a cause is one more potential supporter.

How can you spread awareness?

  • Social media is a great free way to quickly and effectively reach as wide an audience as possible. You could write a simple post explaining why this cause is close to your heart, why it's important, why the charity needs your support this Christmas and include the link to donate.
  • Choose to donate to a charity instead of sending Christmas cards. Put out a post explaining to your friends why this charity matters to you and encourage them to get involved if they can.

6. Send virtual Christmas cards

Secret Santa gift certificate example

Create a personalised Christmas card with our Secret Santa gift certificates

If you do love sending Christmas cards, then choosing a charity virtual Christmas card means you can send a card to family and friends this year whilst also donating to charity.

So many people often wonder whether they should buy a charity card or donate to charity at Christmas. But with our unusual virtual Christmas cards, you can do both. Your Christmas card could help put the magic back into Christmas for a vulnerable child, whilst helping to spread the word about Action for Children.

Your support makes a difference

At a time when families are celebrating, others are struggling to feed their children and keep them warm.

There are many Christmas charity ideas to support vulnerable children and families this festive season. And so many important causes. So we're really grateful you're considering supporting us. You could make an incredible difference to vulnerable children, young people and families across the UK.

And not just at Christmas, but all year round.

Last year our generous supporters helped us be there for over 765,905 children, young people and families in the UK, across 426 services.

If you don't have time to try one of these fundraising ideas over Christmas, why not think about planning on in the new year? Vulnerable children and families are given hope and support, because of amazing people like you.