Seven ways to make your online fundraising page stand out and increase donations

Looking to take part in a fundraising challenge for charity in 2025? Here are some easy ways to make your fundraising page stand out and boost your fundraising.
Challenge yourself while raising vital funds for children. Are you ready?
You’re doing something incredible, so shout it from the rooftops!
Upload a picture and tell your story: whether you have personally benefited from Action for Children’s services or feel strongly about our cause, let your friends and family know.
Explain why you’re taking on the challenge. If you get stuck, ask yourself a few questions. Why have you chosen this event? Is this your first challenge? Will you find it tough? And what do you hope to gain from your experience?
Mention Action for Children’s work and the areas of our work or campaigns that you really care about. You could even link to our website to help your supporters learn more about our work.
Before you share you page widely, ask some people close to you to sponsor you. It will inspire others to donate and give them an idea about how much to sponsor you.
My mum and dad were the first people I asked to sponsor me when I signed up for the London Marathon in 2019. They generously donated £100 and it really set a precedent. A few people then started donating similar amounts!
Joanne, Action for Children runner
Take your supporters on your training journey – email regular updates or post on social media. Include pictures and films you’ve taken on your phone to capture people’s attention.
If you’re taking part in a running event, connect your JustGiving page to Strava so your loved ones can see exactly how hard you’ve been training. It's a great way to keep yourself motivated, too.
We’ve created some great resources you can use to keep reminding people about your fundraising: use our banner for the bottom of your emails or virtual video chat background.
Time your updates carefully – share your page when you’ll likely to grab people’s attention, like payday or during lunchbreak.
Make the most of your fundraising experience.

Post your page when you are nearing one of your donation milestones. For example, if you’ve reached £200 why not ask people to help you get to the £250 milestone mark?
When you share your page, explain why people should sponsor you there and then. For example, are you just about to tackle a gruelling training run in the rain and need some motivation?
As you get closer you get to event day, increase your updates. For example, “One week today, I’ll be running for Action for Children. Here’s a link to my page and why I’m doing it”. The day before your event is also a great time to share your page and encourage last-minute sponsorship.
If you’re an event regular or simply want to stand out, you could consider doing something different to supercharge your fundraising.
For example, how about running in fancy dress on the day or if you’re feeling really ambitious, try and break a world record?
There are lots of small ways you can connect with donors, get them involved in your fundraising drive – and bring in extra fundraising. Challenge them to come up with ideas for your fancy dress or guess how long it will take you to complete your event. Or try offering them something in return for their donation: for example, they could choose a song for your running playlist.
I feel extremely proud of myself for completing a marathon, from a personal and physical point it really was such an amazing achievement for me. Not to mention how proud I am for raising so much money. Giving back has always been a pillar in my life so I'm so happy to do just that for such an amazing cause.
Charlie, Cambridgeshire
After the event, thank your donors publicly: it’ll give you another excuse to share your page and keep the momentum going.
Share a photo or short video of you crossing that finishing line. It might prompt some people to donate if they’ve forgotten - and maybe even some repeat donors.
And don’t forget to post our virtual medals to your social media to let the world know you completed your challenge.
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