Fostering in Manchester: What you need to know

Meet the local fostering team in Manchester and Liverpool. Learn about Action for Children’s foster carer training, support, fees and allowances
As a not-for-profit children’s charity, we’re working hard to find foster carers in areas of high need.
We want less children to suffer further upheaval from moving out of area. Finding more local families who have the heart to foster will make this happen.

Number of children in care by area
This map shows the number of children in care. Manchester and Liverpool are among the highest. When no local families available, there may be no choice but to move young people away from their hometown.
When a young person moves to a new area, they risk losing touch with their local community, moving school and seeing less of their birth family and friends.
Based out of Pendleton Way in Salford, our Manchester office is a hub for local foster carers and staff.
“We’re in the heart of the city so it’s great for access to foster carer training and support groups. With shops and parking nearby, it’s very accessible for everyone.” Adrienne, Service Manager.
As well as the local office, social workers visit foster carers once a month for supervision. These visits are a safe space for carers to share how their young person is getting on. Family members also have time with the social worker to build a relationship.

Are you a parent or part of a larger family network?
The teams are well connected and meet up at social events and support groups. Foster families get involved in organising events. Last summer, our fostering families and staff came together at The Gee Cross fete.
They raised money for Action for Children’s wider causes and promoted fostering to the local community. One very lucky prize winner won this teddy, donated by the local Morrisons community team.

Morrisons donated a huge teddy bear to Action for Children
Staff, foster carers and children know each other well and feel connected to the agency. Access to opportunities across the wider organisation, including training and participation events, means they also benefit from being part of a larger fostering network.
Ofsted inspection feedback, 2022.
Our north west team do more than supporting Action for Children's foster carers training, they're leading the way. As experts in the field of therapeutic fostering, we've expanded to train and support local authority foster carers.
We cover everything from therapeutic based parenting, to more practical skills and support.
Foster carer training
Skills to foster (preparation training)
This essential three-day training course is for new foster carers. It provides practical learning about being a family who fosters and what to expect. The course is mandatory and makes up part of the fostering assessment. It’s also a great opportunity to meet with other families who are new to fostering.
Our fostering information pack has more on what to expect from the skills to foster course.
Managing allegations
Foster carers learn what steps to take if an allegation is made about them or someone else by a child. This training covers vital processes like, who to tell, and where to go for support and advice.
Follow us on Facebook for more tips and advice on similar topics.
Understanding trauma
We provide courses with our partner, Changing Minds, to support carers understanding of the effects of toxic stress on the brain. Trauma informed courses give foster carers the tools to help young people heal from their poor childhood experiences.
Read our blog to understand reasons behind "challenging" behaviour.
Paediatric first aid
Action for Children provides paediatric first aid to all our foster carers. They’re offered a refresher course every three years. This enables them to stay up to date with the newest medical practices.
We also have a paediatric nurse who supports fostering services with their medical questions.
Record keeping and confidentiality
As well as the caring responsibilities that come with fostering, there's the paperwork to get your head around. We understand it's not easy. So, we support carers with their ongoing admin and IT needs, as well group training.
Meet Leanne, one of our Business Support team members and our wider team in this blog.
We're absolutely blessed with the amount of training that Action for Children provide. It's not just before you become a foster carer, it keeps going and it's always there. Like I've yet to go to a training session where I haven't gone and learned something new.
Katie, North West foster carer
We want young people to receive the loving support they desperately need and for foster carers to feel financially supported.
Every Action for Children foster carer receives two payments after a child moves in with them.
- Fostering professional fee
This payment is law. Every fostering agency should provide at least the national minimum, weekly sum to cover the costs of caring for a child.
- Fostering child allowance
Agencies can pay foster carers a top-up payment. It is optional and varies from agency to agency.
We offer excellent fostering fees to enable foster carers the flexibility to foster full-time. Foster carers are expected to attend training, meetings and prioritise their foster child.
Action for Children foster carers can work alongside fostering, providing they can balance their working commitments alongside their foster child's needs.
Becoming a foster carer is becoming part of a community. The first step is getting to know you. We’ll have a chat on the phone and help you decide if it’s the right time to commit to caring for a child.
Whether you’re ready to take the leap, or dipping your toe in the water, we’re here to support you on your journey.