
Kingfishers is a supported housing project for 18 to 25 year olds with learning disabilities, based in Ebley, Stroud.

At Kingfishers, we're here to help young people with learning disabilities transition safely into adulthood and get on with their lives. Our dedicated team treats each young person as an individual.

We help them gain skills they need - both in work and socially - to live confident, independent lives or with others in local communities.

Our approach is unique. And it works:

  • 95% of young people move into a more independent setting. Including unsupported and minimal support tenancies.
  • 93% of young people gain work experience
  • 25% are in paid employment
  • 97% of young people engage in regular social or leisure activities

How we work

We work intensively with each young person, putting them at the heart of everything we do, to help them reach their full potential. Our experienced team works alongside the young person to develop the skills they need to lead an independent, fulfilling life.

Travelling to work, shopping, cooking, doing laundry, visiting friends or accessing local social groups. Our role is to help them participate safely with their choice of activity and enable them to take responsibility for their actions.

At Kingfishers we encourage young people to dream big. We are here to support them to live their lives as they choose. Young people live in our supported housing unit for up to two years. They have an en-suite bathroom a shared kitchen and lounge we provide floating support for a short time after they move on to ensure they maintain their independence.

Our dedicated team provides young people with:

  • Tenancy support
  • Person-centred planning to develop independent skills
  • The opportunity to manage the transition from adolescence to adulthood
  • Support to develop employment skills through training work experience and voluntary work
  • Support to build friendship circles and access social opportunities
  • Floating support with specific areas of independence, as well as short term support when moving on from Kingfishers
  • A proven individual independence programme unique to Kingfishers

Who we are

Kingfishers Supported Housing is an Action for Children service.

We aim to support young people to live independent fulfilling lives while learning how to stay safe. All young people who access the service must be motivated to learn and develop independence skills. Referrals require an adult social care assessment to confirm eligibility.

Jan 24: Kingfishers is ‘Gold standard’ NHS

We couldn't wish for a better environment for x, she has thrived and is continuing to thrive at Kingfishers. The pastoral care and support is exemplary.

Parent, Dec 2023

The work you do is outstanding and long may this continue!

Professional, July 2023

Kingfishers is home, a welcoming place, all the staff are kind and caring. A good place to build up your independence skills. It is an amazing place to be at.

Young Person, June 24

I enjoyed my years at Kingfishers very much. I was a bit nervous to begin with, but once I settled in it was good times and some funny moments along the way, and to summarise I’d say the one thing that Kingfishers has given me is independence and my own place. To finish I’ say Kingfishers helped me a great deal to become independent.

Young Person moved out in 2008 and has been living independently for 16 years

The young people currently eligible for a service at Kingfishers need to be able to:

  • Be eligible in 2 or more areas of Social care assessment.
  • Aged 18 to 25 year with a mild to moderate Learning Disability.
  • Have the potential to reach fairly/fully independent in most areas of independence (see independence scores) (the areas where young people reach some independence will indicate what support will be required when moving on from Kingfishers).
  • Demonstrate a motivation to learn independence skills and want to work with within the Kingfishers approach.
  • Have some to full independence ability with all personal hygiene tasks, we can provide support to enable the young people to get into a routine of completing talks thoroughly and provide some teaching but can’t provide hands on personal care since we are not a registered service.
  • Have the potential to reach a fairly to full independent level in managing a tenancy, it is acknowledged that often young people will continue to need support with some areas such as paperwork requirements and finances.
  • Have the ability to manage own behaviour, staff lone work so we are unable to accommodate individuals with challenging behaviour that will put staff and other young people in danger.
  • Have the ability to keep themselves safe in a building overnight with just on call support, this includes responding to fire alarm, other emergencies and be able to get help if needed.
Kingfishers eligibility criteria - independence scores