
A free online community of care experienced young people aged 16-25. Young people can ask for advice from their peers or our expert guides about work, training or education.

UpLift is an online community message board. All members are care-experienced young people talking about issues relating to work, training and education. Young people post anonymously and our community of care-experienced young people and expert guides can help.

The guides are trusted volunteers at Action for Children who have specific skills and experience to answer your questions from a professional point of view.

It's a place to talk about any questions or issues like:

  • Preparing for work
  • Education and training
  • Your entitlements
  • Applying for jobs
  • Getting paid
  • Workers rights
  • Work-life balance ️

Pilot funded by John Lewis Partnership

Happier futures

UpLift was designed with the help of care experienced young people. We have been working with young people who have spent time in care, to understand their experiences of getting in to work. We asked those young people what type of service would help them on their path to career confidence and together we came up with the idea for UpLift. A safe online space for care-experienced young people to talk about their issues and get advice from their peers and Action for Children guides.

UpLift is a pilot, funded by John Lewis Partnership running until late 2024.