
Wrexham Repatriation and Preventative project (WRAP) is a therapeutic project for children and young people placed in therapeutic foster placements or therapeutic residential placements

The team works with young people in Wrexham and Flintshire, encouraging greater control over their emotions and behaviours, particularly in relation to processing negative life experiences to develop resilience and improved emotional well-being.

Our work is focussed on repatriating children and young people back to the Wrexham area or to prevent them being placed in out of county placements.

RAP Wrecsam

Mae Prosiect Atal a Dychwelyd Wrecsam (RAP) yn brosiect therapiwtig ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc mewn lleoliadau maeth therapiwtig neu leoliadau preswyl therapiwtig. Bydd y tîm yn gweithio gyda phobl ifanc yn Wrecsam a Sir y Fflint, gan eu hannog i ysgwyddo mwy o reolaeth dros eu hemosiynau a’u hymddygiad, yn enwedig o ran prosesu profiadau bywyd negyddol i ddatblygu gwytnwch a gwella’u lles emosiynol. Mae ein gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar ddychwelyd plant a phobl ifanc i ardal Wrecsam neu eu hatal rhag cael eu rhoi mewn lleoliad y tu allan i'r sir.