
Action for Children responds to Queen's Speech

Monday 14 October 2019

Responding to today’s Queen’s Speech, which confirmed the Domestic Abuse Bill will continue in the new parliamentary session, chief executive of Action for Children, Julie Bentley, said:

“Leave or Remain, we must not allow thousands of children living in the terrifying shadow of domestic abuse to become part of the collateral damage of Brexit. The government must urgently help these children by ensuring the Domestic Abuse Bill brings an end to the current postcode lottery and properly funds specialist services.

“We have to start recognising these children for what they are – victims, not just witnesses. Far from having the safe and happy childhood they need, every day our frontline workers see the emotional scars of domestic abuse on children – from nightmares, flashbacks and bed-wetting to depression, or even wanting to end their lives.

“We also want the Prime Minister to tackle the wider childhood crisis we see and protect vulnerable children by adopting a National Childhood strategy.”


Media contact

Huw Beale, Senior Media Officer, Action for Children:

07718 114 038 / [email protected]

Out of hours 07802 806 679 / [email protected]

Notes to editors

For 150 years Action for Children has been helping disadvantaged children across the UK through intervening early to stop neglect and abuse, fostering and adoption, supporting disabled children, and by campaigning tirelessly to make life better for children and families. With 476 services the charity improved the lives of more than 387,000 children, teenagers, parents and carers last year.