Our children's homes in Scotland
Our homes in Scotland offer specialist care to children and young people from 11 to 20 years
Our young people often need help with their social skills, emotions and behaviours. This can be as a result of trauma, sexual abuse or other emotional wellbeing issues.
Our ISSC service supports young people who are vulnerable and may engage in “high risk” behaviours. This is usually as a result of previous life experiences, which affect their resilience and emotional wellbeing.
Based in Ayrshire, the home welcomes up to five young people, aged 13 to 20 years old.
Our highly trained staff help them understand their behaviour and manage their emotions. They support them to make safe, positive choices.
We were rated “very good” by the Care Inspectorate Scotland for the quality of care we offer children and young people
We also work with councils and local organisations to offer young people new opportunities. To learn, build their skills and improve their employability.
Want to enquire about ISSC placements?
We provide specialist residential care for children and young people on behalf of local authorities across Scotland.
Western Isles
Our home in Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles) welcomes up to four children and young people aged seven to 18 years.
Our two homes in Moray welcome children and young people, from age 11. Each can accommodate up to four young people.

A child’s needs always come first. We work with families and professionals to make sure children get support that works for them.
We offer a number of packages for young people who need care outside of their family home. This helps them to stay in their community and support network.
Are you a commissioner? We’d love to talk to you. We can discuss your needs and potential new developments for children in your care.
Interested in residential placements in Scotland?