Every year, we help hundreds of children across the UK find safe and loving foster homes.
We run fostering services in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. We're experts in finding the best possible match between children and foster families. We also have a strong track record of placing sibling groups and children with disabilities with suitable foster carers.
Action for Children Fostering welcomes all potential foster carers no matter what their sexual orientation, gender, or identity. It’s really important that our foster carers reflect current, diverse family structures in society.
I am the woman I am today because of Derrick and Sue. They have helped me grow in confidence and become more independent.
Lauren, 23 years old

We provide our foster carers with all the support and training that they need to work alongside the many other professionals involved in supporting a vulnerable child. Foster carers may need to help their foster child with education, contact with their families, and their emotional wellbeing. This nurturing environment, giving a child love, care, time, and attention can help to improve that child or young person’s life chances.
Our staff are highly trained to meet complex needs. Our therapeutic approach takes young people’s trauma into account. Through care and support, we help them build resilience and positive relationships.
Action for Children foster carers can rely on individually tailored training and support from a professional team 24/7 year-round. We believe that the support, training and guidance we give to our foster families is second to none and is available to all family members. We’ll give one-to-one help and advice whenever needed, day or night.
The training was excellent and really helped. Action for Children themselves are like a big family; we know all of them and they know all of us.
Action for Children foster carer
We promote positive working relationships and good connections between everyone. Relationships are built on clear, honest, and respectful communication which is often key to the success of our fostering homes.

At Action for Children Fostering we appreciate that fostering is a role beyond the 9-5 and a huge commitment. We provide our foster carers with the opportunity to decide which type of fostering arrangement would work best for them.
From planned breaks foster care, which provides cover during holidays and weekends, to long term fostering and/or providing a home for a young person after they’ve reached 18, Action for Children Fostering is dedicated to ensuring we find the role that works best for our carers.

We have teams across the UK so you will be able to speak, confidentially, to a fostering professional local to you.
We believe that our all carers should know they have a choice in choosing who they foster through. They have the right to transfer to a different agency even after they've been approved and even if they currently have a foster child in their care. Retaining our amazing foster carers is a key priority to in the work we do and vital for providing stability for our children and young people.
Many of our foster carers tell us that when they first started out on their fostering journey they were unaware of the differences between all the agencies out there and the local authority in their area. Different agencies and local authorities will offer you different fees and allowances as well as different levels of support and training. If a carer finds an alternative agency that they would rather foster with then they can apply to transfer.
If you are a carer already and you’re interested in transferring to a not-for-profit charity then please contact us and we’ll discuss your options with you in confidence.
We’d love to talk to you about your placement needs and to tell you more about the benefits of our services: