Scott Compton - Senior Policy Advisor
Wednesday 19 March 2025
Young girl looking in empty fridge with sister

4.3 million children are now paying the price of poverty in the UK. Without sustained policy action, a further 400,000 children will be pulled into poverty by the end of the decade.

Action for Children commissioned Public First to model policy scenarios for reaching a set of ambitious poverty reduction goals, including:

  1. Lifting at least a million children out of poverty by the end of the decade and;
  2. Halving the child poverty rate in the long-term.

In this report, we include a range of interventions to support incomes through the social security system, improve opportunities for income from employment, and reduce household costs. We also present new estimates of the long-term benefits to society and the economy from reducing child poverty.

Read the report

Six key insights for the Child Poverty Strategy

  1. Transformational change is possible, but requires ambitious thinking backed by short, medium and long-term goals.
  2. Scrapping the caps is the single most cost-effective action government can take, but won’t be enough by itself.
  3. We can’t deliver sustained reductions in child poverty over time without above-inflation increases to child-related benefits.
  4. Improving benefit take-up and new social homes could be particularly powerful levers.
  5. Employment measures have a part to play, but are less targeted, less cost-effective and their impacts more modest and uncertain.
  6. The strategy cannot succeed without increased spending, but we should better recognise the long-term social and economic benefits of reducing poverty.