Join us, take a stand, and raise your voice for better and brighter childhoods
On this page: Why we campaign | Where we campaign | Our latest campaigns | Making childhood a national priority | The difference we've made | Become an Action for Children Campaigner.
Right now, we’re seeing a system that continues to fail children. Our frontline services see more children at risk of harm, rising numbers of children taken into care, and an increase in child poverty. This isn’t just bad luck.
We won’t stop fighting until every child grows up safe and happy.
But alone, our voice isn’t enough. Change is only possible with supporters like you behind us.
Sign a petition, contact your MP, or share our campaigns with friends and family. When you do, you’re joining a movement improving the lives of children in the UK
Hear about our latest campaigns
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You can also stay up-to-date by reading our latest blogs.

"Bad things happened in my life before I went into care. I’m still recovering from them. But I’m also still recovering from my time in care. Does that seem right?"
Alex*, young campaigner
The UK could be the best place in the world to grow up. But right now, it isn’t.
That's why we've been working closely with Barnardo’s, The Children’s Society, the National Children’s Bureau and NSPCC. Together, we're calling for safer, happier, healthier childhoods to be a national priority.

We’re working with leading children’s charities to ensure children’s voices are heard.
Our campaigners have acted to change lives. More children are now protected because of these changes to laws and policies.
Here’s what we’ve achieved with your support:
- UK law now recognises children affected by domestic abuse as victims in their own right.
- In England and Wales, sustained emotional abuse against children is now a crime.
- In Wales, young people can choose to stay in foster care for longer.
Sign up to be the first to know about our latest campaigns and how you can support us. Our thousands of campaigners are making a difference – but there’s more to do. Join them.
Hear about our latest campaigns
What we do
We protect and support children and young people. We make sure their voices are heard. And we campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives.
Today, we run 372 services in local communities across the UK, in schools and online.
In our nurseries and children's centres, staff make sure children get the best start in life. Our foster and modern residential services find children and young people safe and loving homes.
We step in to protect children from neglect and abuse and help those who care for others. We're also here for parents, through projects like Parent Talk, our online support service.
Our impact
We’ve been helping children for more than 150 years. In 2023/24, we helped 687,755 children, young people and families. This was only possible with your support.
- We’ve helped more than 10,000 children and families during the coronavirus pandemic through frontline services. We kept 99% of our local services open.
- We've supported 54,878 children and young people with their mental health in in 2023/24. 73% of young people on our Blues Programme had indicated an increase in their self-esteem once they completed it.
- We helped more than 101,488 children and families through our children’s centres, early help, and family hubs in 2022/23.
- We've supported 468,786 parents in 2023/24 through our online parenting advice service.