Annual Supporter Survey
Take part, share your views and help us improve what we do
Each year, we put out a survey to understand how we can improve for both current and future supporters. No matter how you have supported us, we would love to hear from you.
The survey should take around 15 minutes. Once you’ve competed the survey, you can enter the prize draw* to win one of two £100 Love2shop vouchers.
However you chose to support us, from fostering and adoption to following and engaging with us on social media – we want to hear from you. The more people that take the survey, the more valuable the results are. The survey covers:
- Our branding
- Your support
- Information about you
- Opportunities to shape our work
- And much more
The opinions of supporters like you have been invaluable in shaping our work over the years. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.